
At the end of this project you will be able to:




Under construction

complete and working

Day 1 review


we learnt about all the different simple machines, there is 6 in total (wedge, pulley, wheel and axle, screw, lever). we found out all the different every day things we use that consist of a simple machine  (ie screw-bootle cap, pulley-gym equipment). we also had the opportunity to play with some syringes to represent what a hydraulic system would do. we used the desgn of a scissor lift and replucated it using iceblock sticks and thumb tacks, the design itself worked out quite well and found that the rest of the class was happy to follow what we had made.

day 1

Day 2 review


we started work on our project and also completed it, we decieded to go with a lever, pulley system and hydraulic system. i made the lever, the first design i started with was enough to do the job, but once we started adding heavier weights the lever system didnt start upto it, so i decieded that everything needed reinforcing, this also added more weight in areas so i needed to find a way of countereacting it, by taping 50g weights to the bottom of the lever. by follow this simple dyagram i saw able to find out how to weight everything proper.  the formula for this was - M1xa=m2xb -   m1 being the 10kgs on the left and m2 being the 5kgs on the right


i was happy that we were able to comple all the tasks asked of us in the 2 days we were able to meet the scale of moving 500g and on tuesday we will attempt to break the 8kg mark.

Day 3 review


today we started on redesigning the pulley system so that it was able to withstand upwards of 8kgs. we first tried to use two pulley systems to lift one object of weight by it never wanted to work because of angles, so we decieded to change it to and two pulley system lifting 2 separate weights and then joining the string together at the end. that work really well and we were able to lift a mass of 8.5kgs. we tried to add more weight but if was to awkward trying to add  random weights in everywhere.

Day 4 review


turned up even though i had already completed my work.

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David Terry
04 April 2017, 13:15

Great effort Hunter

Your team worked well together, choosing a piece of the machine to work on, your documentation was great adding in lots of detail and information.

Well Done


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