

Use a project planning process to:

  • Research and understand the job plans, drawings etc.
  • Develop a work plan by organising self and working with others
  • Decide on a report topic


  • Work safely in a workshop environment
  • Gain a basic understanding of soft soldering for electrical applications
  • Use soldering techniques to transfer a simple electronic circuit
  • Identify some common electronic components
  • Produce an operational product from a job plan
  • Research a technical topic to produce a structured report


  • Record evidence of the learning processes in this project.
  • Review the finished product for quality.
  • Reflect on how I worked with others

Finished product

20170303_145727.jpgAdd a picture of your finished sign here

renewable energy

is coal a renewable energy

coal is not a renewable energy source as over time the coal will burn out and you will have to keep topping it off, that is not the definition of a renewable energy source. 

why is it important to use renewable energy

as unlike non-renewable energy it becomes very expensive over time to keep using it also is very bad for the environment, so having renewable energy sources such as wind, solar or light they are not depended on having somebody top them up. also we have an unlimited sources of those three.

what is meant by green energy

are naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. so in fact that is anything that is naturally produced by the earth that we can use to conducted power from.

what is renewable energy

energy that is collected from a renewable resources which are naturally replenish on the human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, waves and geothermal heat 

what are three times of renewable energy 

sunlight, wind, waves.



how it works

during the day the solar pannel turns the light into energy that is stored in the battery and once it turns to night the board realises that it is no longer collecting energy and the l.e.d's turn on creating light that is promitted through the perspex. Once day light comes back around the hole procedure starts again

step by step

-we were provided the solur light

-pulled it apart

-used the componts to use in the bread board

-built up the housing to hold it

-drawed up the design for the glass

-used the sand blaster




list of components on the garden light

switch, bulb, battery, solar panel, resister,  wire, transistor, battery, battery terminal.


Image result for garden light circuit


circuit to fit into vero board 20170227_151348.jpg


Personal Research

Upload a copy of your report.

This could be based on the process of making an illuminated sign including, materials and tools used, the fundamentals of soft soldering and the simple circuits.

Day 1 review

i was pretty happy with the work i completed today, i learnt a lot of new information from other class member with what all the diagrams mean, i found it kinda hard to understand the concept of the diagrams but in the end i had a rough understanding of what he wanted. overall i completed all the set tasks required of myself.

Day 2 review


i was happy with the work i did, we got alot complished we sand blasted of peice of plastic and also degined the print that would go onto it, we also tack welded the metal housing that would contain the electrical componets for our sign, i lost out on about 1 hour because of a drunk test that i had to complete and that put me abit behind on my work.

Day 3 review


today i was happy with the work i complete we got alot, i learnt how to solder wire, unsolder electrical componets and aslo how to reuse them into a new device, it was abit of a struggle to understand how the diagram worked but once RJ showed the class how to do it i had a better understanding. i also had the change to pratice stripping back well i was praticing the soldering on the wire. overall it was a very productive day

Day 4 review


we complete our illuminated sign today, we end up not going with our own design for the internal board as it was to faulty and not working the way we wished, we used the orginal board from the inside of the garden light and change a few componets (e.g red l.e.d) i also had to head of to st columbus with a select few for the end of term project, we had a look around the school to see where we could place the chicken coops, garden boxs and other things that we had choosen to make. this set me back on some of my work but i was still able to complete all the set work asked of me. i was happy with the outcome of my work.

Health and Safety form



Rifae Jappie
06 April 2017, 13:22

Circuit diagram, vero-board layout completed.  Explains the operation of the garden light. Used techniques to solder and de-solder electronic components.  Works safely.  Evidence of work posted to Mahara.   Competent. Well Done.  

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