download.php?file=114645&view=24163&embedded=1At the end of this project you will be able to:


Follow a simple design process.


  • Research technical subjects with a purpose
  • Design, prototype, build, and test a Rube Goldberg machine
  • Use multimedia to present what you have learned


Compare your finished product to your plans and specifications, and review for accuracy.


we researched online of how the pulley systems and levers work and what system was the most appropriate to move the weight we had available. we also look into what pulleys are actually used for in day to day life, we also did the same with levers




download.php?file=115086&view=24163&embedded=1&text=125266Add a copy of Rube Goldbergdownload.php?file=115149&view=24163&embedded=1&text=125266 designs

Youtube Video

Upload and display a video of your Rube Goldberg Machine in action.

Daily review

making sure we don't just drive straight into making the pulleys and actually do more research on how the most efficient ones work. we all worked pretty well together in the design of the pulley system. i had a better understanding of what we were doing once we did the levers as i did my research before i started


Day 1 review

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Day 2 review


today we started to and just about finished our rube Goldberg project, we spend the morning designing and planning it up as a group, we then all came to terms with what design we wanted to do. i designed 1 pulley system and 1 lever, i came up with the design from all the research i did yesterday, and found the most efficient system. we all worked very well as a group to come up with the whole project.  

Day 3 review

today we finished off the project, we added new hotwheel car ramps to the end so that it could be used with a car to trigger the switch for the light, we also spend alot of time making sure everything was working great, it took about 20 attemps till we had it all sorted.we all worked really well today as a group to get everything working pefect, we all had great imputs into how we could make it better. we built up the design of the light by using magnets so when the came down the track it would hit them and push them together, and as theyre magnectic they stayed together keeping the light ondownload.php?file=116617&view=24163&embedded=1&text=125271download.php?file=116614&view=24163&embedded=1&text=125271

Day 4 review

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Rifae Jappie
06 April 2017, 13:21

Good design and evaluation of the operation of the machines. Work well within the group and contributes to the group activities.  All research completed.  Good explanation of the various workings of the machine. Upload the completed operation of the machine. Competent. Well done.

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Personal Research

Add a document outlining the research you completed related to simple machines, mechanics and magnetism.