download.php?file=114657&view=24169&embedded=1The culmination project is a community based project that students work on over the 10 weeks of the common core.

You will be working with a local school and communicating with them to prototype, design and build a product for their outside environment.


Students will work more independently on this project and have more responsibility for the outcome than in other projects.


On this page you will document the process and keep any artefacts / evidence of the process.

Completed project

Add a picture of the completed project here

Design Brief

What does the client want?

Drawings / Designs

Add copies of client ideas and drawings and your own drawings and ideas.

Weekly reflection / update

How is the project progressing?

What went well? What would you do differently? Is there anything you need help with or want to go over again?

Review 1

Add thoughts here

Review 2

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Review 3

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Review 4

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Time sheets

How much time have you spent on this project?

Health and Safety

Add here


Personal Research

What do you need to learn to meet your clients needs?